- Maxwell has learnt to blow kisses
- Maxwell enjoys looking at picture books before bed
- Maxwell only has his dummy at night time/nap time
- Maxwell has a new bath friend
- Maxwell's speech is coming on leaps and bounds
As some of our readers may know, Maxwell has a dummy. Over the past few weeks, I have not been letting him have it in the day. He is coming up to two years old and as I was worried it was preventing him learning to speak. This week Maxwell has not had his dummy at all in the day time and only has been having it at nap time and bedtime. Soon I hope he realises he doesn't need it at all.
Last week I decided Maxwell needed something to put all his bath toys in. I managed to find him a big duck that clips on the side of the bath and if you open its beak you can drop the bath toys in and they fall in the net. Maxwell loves it! He often goes to visit it throughout the day and loves opening and closing the ducks beak.
Maxwell's speech has really improved. He seems to learn new sounds, and tries to pronounce words each day. It amazes me at how well he has been getting on. He tries to say the word ball, car, bye and hi and he also likes to say "OH". I am sure he will get there soon.