A Wednesday Wander: An Old Woman Who Lived in a Shoe

By Withthegrains @WithTheGrains

A Wander in India from December 2012.

There was a young woman who visited a shoe.
There was so much in Mumbai for her to see and do…!

Kamala Nehru Park, located at the top of Mumbai’s Malabar Hill, features a sculpture inspired by the nursery rhyme.

India is a land of extremes. The poorest of poor are confronted with a view of the richest of rich. Despite their impoverished conditions, the lower class still exudes integrity and humility, a point our tour guide emphasized when we walked through the slums. In spite of what they lack, they still find ways to saturate the world with vivid beauty.

A Wednesday Wander is a way to revisit journeys past and work my way through my many photos and journals that might otherwise collect proverbial dust. Thanks for wandering with me!

Bon Voyage!