A Wedding Blogger and a Fraud

By Claire

In fact, I’ve never really dared to dream about get­ting mar­ried. I don’t know where I’d begin. I won­der some­times — not because I’ve spent my life wish­ing for a per­fect wed­ding but because I see so many of yours.

And I love being a wed­ding blog­ger. I love your ideas and cre­ativ­ity as much as I love those pri­vate smiles I see on your wed­ding pic­tures. I love hear­ing about your best moments, and read­ing what you write about wed­ding sup­pli­ers, speeches and every­thing else.

The Eng­lish Wed­ding Blog is my baby. I can’t imag­ine work­ing in an office any more, as I have so much fun writ­ing the blog for you. But occa­sion­ally I won­der what I’m doing here! And I even won­der if one day I’ll be plan­ning a wed­ding which I can share with you. Who knows… it could hap­pen! Somehow!

The other side of me won­ders if I’d be the most awk­ward bride in his­tory though… the crav­ing to be unique and dif­fer­ent runs pretty strong in me. I’d love to get mar­ried but the jury’s still out on hav­ing a wed­ding. At all. Could I elope? Maybe. Could I wear a white dress? Never — it’s just not me. Could I do with­out a first dance song, or gor­geous invi­ta­tions, or a teepee full of mag­i­cal, colour­ful things hang­ing from the rafters?* OOooh — per­haps not!

*I don’t know if teepees have rafters either… prob­a­bly not! But you know what I mean

I guess every wed­ding blog­ger has to be dif­fer­ent, and that’s what makes us an inter­est­ing bunch. My per­spec­tive as a wed­ding sup­plier and top UK wed­ding blog­ger is pretty unique — it means I have some inter­est­ing things to say about our lovely wed­ding industry.

I could even get a lit­tle “will she, won’t she” thing going on… what do you think?!

Claire xxx