A Wedding, a Carnival and a Cast of Thousands! Part One

By Claire

The Chester Grosvenor pulled out all the stops to make sure the bride and groom, their horse and carriage and the open-top bus could navigate the (otherwise closed!) roads to the hotel amidst the carnival crowds - and it makes for a spectacular wedding blog post - or two!...

I'll share this in two parts - with words by Angela and photos by Chester wedding photographers CG Weddings. Enjoy!

The bridal shoes were a bargain: £40 bought from an online shop on eBay!

The (very heavy!) tiara was wired with Swarovski crystals and a few artificial pearls.

"I suppose every bride has the same sentiment but it was truly the most happy and special day of my life.

I wore a Mag­gie Sot­tero ‘Chance’ wed­ding dress. This dress style was dis­con­tin­ued a week after I placed my order so I was prob­a­bly the very last bride to wear this down the aisle. I’m very petite so I needed a tightly fit­ted A-line type dress in a petite fit and ‘Chance’ fit­ted the bill per­fectly. The dress was bought from Sense and Sen­si­bil­ity in Hazel Grove, Stockport.

Adam wore a ¾ length ‘Chopin’ style jacket in brown from Pronup­tia Chester. The cra­vat was a ‘burnt orange’ color to match the burnt orange sashes on the two brides­maids’ Alfred Angelo dresses.

[I have to point out these two beau­ti­fully con­trast­ing images: 1) vicar bran­dish­ing polo mints. 2) vicar more solemnly wav­ing bible — Claire]

Angela says, “It’s really unbe­liev­able the amount of organ­i­sa­tion and plan­ning that goes into a wed­ding so you can never start soon enough in terms of get­ting things organised.”

There’s more from Angela and Adam on Eng­lish Wed­ding blog tomor­row as they brave the streets of Chester in the most bizarre and mem­o­rable wed­ding day jour­ney you’ve ever seen! In the meantime…

Adam and Angela’s rec­om­mended wed­ding suppliers

The Chester Grosvenor was com­pletely fault­less in man­ag­ing our big day from work­ing tire­lessly to ensur­ing our car­riage and tour bus could access the closed roads, to serv­ing us exquis­ite food for the wed­ding breakfast.

We of course can’t rec­om­mend Liam Craw­ley — CG Wed­dings — enough as a pho­tog­ra­pher. As men­tioned his manip­u­la­tion of light and color dur­ing the day pro­duced some shots as beau­ti­ful and dra­matic as any of those fea­si­ble in a coun­try house type set­ting. CG Wed­dings blog is at http://cgweddings.co.uk/blog

Vic­to­ria, our florist from Lily Rose events based in Chea­dle Hulme, Stock­port. The apri­cot and ivory cen­tre piece arrange­ments for the wed­ding break­fast were stunning.

Gabrielle Fisher from King­fisher Cakes in Brom­bor­ough sup­plied us with a spec­tac­u­lar and very indi­vid­ual ‘Top Table’ style cake which proved one of the major talk­ing points of the whole day!