A Walk in the Snow with a Cuppa…

By Cassiefairy @Cassiefairy

As the murky month of January finally starts drawing to a close we can all start looking forward to the rest of the year; it’s already one month closer to our summer holidays, a couple of months to the chocolate delights of Easter and only a couple of weeks until Valentine’s day. Yes, we’ve nearly made it through the “worst month of the year” in one piece!

As you all know, I love the snow, and I think I’ve already been on more walks this January than at any time during the previous year. I just feel a need to get out there and enjoy the snow when it comes because the world looks prettier, I can take some picturesque photos of the surrounding countryside and I love to get a cold nose, because you really appreciate the warmth of your home when you get home from a snowy walk! So I’ve been out again, this time taking a cup of tea with me (why not?) to keep warm and have snapped some pics of my January “sales steals”.

Really the only thing that January has got going for it is the sales and, lets face it, we’re all skint after Christmas so for me it was a waiting game – saving my pennies and seeing what I have left after paying the bills. And is it just me? or did all of the discounts in this year’s January sales not really feel like much of a bargain this year? I’m glad I’ve the waited for the final reductions, because I’ve been able to get a cosy outfit that is still available in the sales at a fraction of the price at Apricot.