A Walk Before the Storm

By The Garden Smallholder @gdnsmallholder

We visited one of our favorite places to walk yesterday, a chance to give our dog a good run and sniffing adventure before the anticipated storm arrived to knock our socks off. It was also a great opportunity to take some photos of beautiful Browns Wood at this magical time of year.

It was a perfect autumnal day and the woods offered plenty of beautiful subjects to photograph. Glowing Field Maple leaves caught my attention, the exotic color highlighted further by sunlight streaming down onto the tree branches from above.

Looking around at the ground I often find things of interest, like this forgotten tree stump covered in a thick coat of Ivy.

Dried teasel line a long path, separating the new section of woodland from the field beyond. Long grasses sway in the wind, wildflower seed heads rattle eerily, scattering seeds everywhere.

Deeper into the ancient woods, light struggled to filter through from above, creating dramatic light, colour and long shadows.

Exiting the ancient woods, dark and dramatic shadows greet the light from the fields beyond.

Browns Wood is a wonderful place to visit and we’re incredibly lucky to have this magical place on our doorstep. For more information about Browns Wood, take a look at this previous blog post http://thegardensmallholder.wordpress.com/2013/03/30/a-visit-to-browns-wood/

Heavy rain fell overnight and it appears our location escaped the damaging wind. Looking at news reports today, others were not so lucky with gusts of up to 105 mph, trees coming down, flooding and loss of power.

Filed under: Uncategorized, Village Life Tagged: autumn, brown's wood, browns wood bedfordshire, fall, photography