A Vintage Vision of Sound

By Expectlabs @ExpectLabs

Take a trip back in time with Age of Power and Wonder,a set of collectible infographics that were inserted into cigarette packs in the thirties. The cards were mostly for entertainment purposes, but still attempted to explain advances in science and technology at the time.

The sound spectrum infographic above was included in Max Cigarette packs from 1935 to 1938. Here is an excerpt from the back of the card:

The source of sound is always a body in a state of more or less rapid vibration. The number of vibrations (cycles) per second can be measured and so sounds classified according to their cycle values. Thus, like light, sound is arranged in a kind of ‘spectrum’; each sound having a wave-length. Thus, if the frequency of a note be 200 to a second, its wavelength is 1-200 units.

Marvel at more educational gems here.

(via Brain Pickings)