A Video Blog: Promote Your Wedding Business with Confidence

By Claire

pro­mote your wed­ding busi­ness with con­fi­dence from Claire Gould on Vimeo.

Speak­ing con­fi­dently about your wed­ding designs, whether you make invitations,jewellery or any­thing else, isn’t always easy. This video blog explains why it’s impor­tant to pro­mote your wed­ding busi­ness with con­fi­dence. I also share tips to help you gain the con­fi­dence to take that pride in your prod­ucts and share your enthu­si­asm with poten­tial customers.

Your wed­ding busi­ness, con­fi­dence and self-promotion

It’s very impor­tant to pro­mote your wed­ding busi­ness in a con­fi­dent way, and there are three rea­sons to do this:

  1. Con­fi­dence inspires con­fi­dence: speak­ing with pas­sion and enthu­si­asm about your designs will inspire your poten­tial customers
  2. Com­pe­ti­tion: there are so many wed­ding busi­nesses around, pro­mot­ing yours with con­fi­dence will help you stand out from the crowd
  3. This is your respon­si­bil­ity: as a wed­ding busi­ness owner and designer you know your work inside out and back­wards — you should be proud of what you do — so share it!

How to pro­mote your wed­ding busi­ness with confidence

Telling the world how great your designs are doesn’t come nat­u­rally to every­one. So if you’re not con­fi­dent in ‘big­ging up’ your work, here are three tips which might help you:

  1. Remem­ber you’re not pro­mot­ing your­self; you’re pro­mot­ing your stuff (it’s eas­ier to say “I’m proud of this wed­ding invi­ta­tion I made”, than to say “I’m a bril­liant designer”)
  2. Put your wed­ding busi­ness head on. You have to make a profit; you’re the owner of a suc­cess­ful wed­ding busi­ness — part of any busi­ness is pro­mo­tion. Get out there and just do it!
  3. Find the medium that’s eas­i­est for you. If you’re not a con­fi­dent speaker (see above!) then try writ­ing about your work in a wed­ding busi­ness blog. If writ­ten words don’t come easy, try a wed­ding fair — you might dis­cover a flair when speak­ing to brides and grooms. Net­work­ing might be more your thing: tweet-ups, launch events, PR evenings… give them a go!

I have to say thank you to the very lovely Alex Beadon for encour­ag­ing me to give video blog­ging a go. Thanks Alex! (Watch her video blogs if you haven’t already.)

About my wed­ding busi­ness video blogs

My new book How to Blog your Wed­ding Busi­ness is now avail­able to buy!

How to blog your wed­ding busi­ness — by me!

More Wed­ding Busi­ness Ideas

If you’re start­ing out in the wed­ding indus­try you might also like to take a peek at Wed­ding Busi­ness Ideas — plenty of free ideas and resources cov­er­ing wed­ding busi­ness plans, adver­tis­ing, every­thing from pric­ing to Pin­ter­est and more!