A Very Special General Assembly

By Luphil

Three weeks ago, we had the annual General Assembly of the World Teacher Trust-Global for the year 2019. Normally, a general assembly is a matter of duty for associations. But this is not a “normal” association and the general assemblies neither are. And this year, it was very special, and I’ll tell a bit about it from my perspective.

Just some words about the background for those who are not familiar with the WTT:
The Spiritual Hierarchy is an expression of the one teaching principle in many forms. It includes every Master of Wisdom that guided the humanity on the planet. They are models and we try to live their teachings. There was an impulse received by Master EK (Dr E. Krishnamacharya) 50 years ago. It led to the foundation of the World Teacher Trust (WTT) in November 1971. This organisation is meant to help organising the activities of people who are inspired by the lives and teachings of the great Teachers of Eternal Wisdom. Master EK was the founder, assisted by Master KPK (Dr K. Parvathi Kumar), who is today’s president.

The impulse led to an “offspring” with a focus in the Western hemisphere, the WTT-Global. Its formation took place in Geneva in August 1983. Its seat continued to be in Switzerland. The executive members were always mainly Swiss, especially for practical organisational reasons. I was called into the Executive Board in May 2002. Thus, since 18 years, I am involved in organising and conducting the annual general assemblies.

Since it is a global association, the assemblies also were global – we met at special places in different European countries, in Argentina, Brazil and last year at Mount Shasta in California. It was always in connection with tours and seminars of Master KPK. (When writing “Master”, I must say that I was hesitating for many years to use this term, especially not when speaking to a general public. However, through long observations and experiences, I find it appropriate to use it here.)

In California, it was decided to do the next general assembly for 2019 in Visakhapatnam, India on 31 December 2020, since there would be no more global travels of the Master. And then the pandemia came. But at the same time the virtual collaboration dashed forth, especially with Zoom meetings. An incredible speed-up of global networking took place. In the global crisis, the global distances in a way disappeared.

A year ago it became clear that WTT-Global needed a new organisational set-up. First thoughts were discussed during the seminar January 2020 in India. In the coming months, big challenges came up with the disease of the Master and the passing of Kumari-garu, his wife who was an outstanding being though she kept very much in the background (I didn’t blog about it up to now).

After the return of the Master end of May / June, he quickly took up again the work. We had some Zoom meetings where he explained that the pandemic has caused a lift-up, and we connect now much more effectively through electronic communication. We find group consciousness and connect in our work for goodwill, even for the next incarnations. He proposed that we enlarge the Executive Board and the Advisory Board of WTT-Global by including representatives from every major group and thus form a synthesis of the WTT group.

He outlined the Next Generation project. It was envisioned by Master EK in 1976: This group should be called the “Youth of the Universe” (YOU) in the WTT all over the world. They belong to a generation which has a different way of expression. We should identify these young people, find out what they are doing and what are their ideas – not only about the teachings but their ideas about family, the economics, social and spiritual dimensions. We try to assist them if they are willing to fulfill some ideas coming from the teachings which they have heard, and which they are living.

Another project launched is Digital Archives. Its purpose is to collect all the teachings, writings and related videos, audios, pictures that have been gathered in various groups all over the globe. A team is now working to see how the vast material can be stored and accessed via electronic media. I was proposed to coordinate. Another team was formed which is responsible for organizing the Zoom meetings.

It quickly became clear that the general assembly cannot be held in India, and so we decided to do it in Brunnen, Switzerland, the seat of WTT-Global, with a global virtual participation. We had to deal with some organisational and technical challenges but finally we physically met with a small group at a hotel on the borders of Lake Lucerne on 23 November and a much bigger number attending via Zoom. It was an very beautiful day.

As an association, the WTT-Global is a legal person. It is like a personality for expressing the spiritual impulse in the physical. There were legal matters to be discussed for anchoring the activities through decisions by the assembly. This is not a dry matter but in all these matters you feel the living spiritual presence. And this will form the basis for tangible activity in the years to come.

A highlight were again the closing words of the Master, rounding up and giving an outlook: “We’ll continue the work and we tend to be silent relating to this work and enable its permeation as planned in the Higher Circles. Don’t think of our propagating it. … We don’t propagate but we make them available. That’s the way by which truth-seekers will any way find the teachings of the Hierarchy right from ancient most times. And that will continue and we should not do this work with overenthusiasm, which is common with new entrants. It should be done with considerate thoughts, and make sure that it is available to those who are looking for it….
You find so many things happening. This is only highly encouraging for all of us because it is happening. Up to a point we do, later it has to happen. Up to a point we do, later it takes hold of us and leads us into higher realms….”

After the meeting the group gathered for some time in the home at the seat of WTT-Global. There was a magic ambiance – some cheerful exchanges, a short meditation. When we started the journey back, the moon in its 10th ascending phase was radiating from over the mountains and reflecting in the waters of the lake.

Photos from the General Assembly meeting in Brunnen, Switzerland