A Very Merry Holiday

By Monetm1218 @monetmoutrie

We had a wonderful Christmas…a bittersweet Christmas. On one hand, I was thrilled to have time with my sisters. But I knew that today, Monday December 29th, was just around the corner. My younger sister left early this morning to drive back to West Virginia…and my older sister just finished packing up her family and is currently en route to France. Susanne and family will live in Albertville, France for one year, and then they’ll move to Senegal. I’m a mixture of so many emotions…and so instead of waxing on and on about sisterhood, and how much I already miss both of them…I’ll share pictures of our holiday together.

Lulu’s second Christmas was just about as magical and chaotic as I’d imagined it would be. She definitely understood the concept of presents…and wanted to open each and every one in a mad flurry of paper and ribbon. It took quite a bit of convincing to reel her in. But despite the occasional toddler tantrum, we really did have a beautiful day. Below are pictures of my sweet family. My sisters, my daughter, my niece, and nephew. We already miss you all SO MUCH!

PS. Lulu starts her Waldorf program next week which means I’ll be back to regular posting in 2015.