A Unitarian Wedding in London

By Claire

Nick and Haley chose Fiona Camp­bell as their wed­ding pho­tog­ra­pher. Fiona told me, “Nick (now the solo singer of 30,000 Days) and Haley got mar­ried in June at Hampstead’s Ross­lyn Chapel. Lots of won­der­ful musi­cians made it into a mem­o­rable day — the cou­ple even had their very own Hol­ly­wood love song cre­ated for the day. They par­tic­u­larly wanted a relaxed wed­ding, and focused on stun­ning flower dis­plays, a cool car and — of course — stun­ning music.

Fiona has recently won an award with the elite inter­na­tional Artis­tic Guild of Wed­ding Pho­to­jour­nal­ists — if you’re look­ing for a Lon­don wed­ding pho­tog­ra­pher visit her web­site at www.fionacampbelllondon.com.
UK wedding blog Fiona Campbell (2)

Nick and Haley’s Uni­tar­ian wed­ding in London

UK wedding blog Fiona Campbell (3)
UK wedding blog Fiona Campbell (4)
UK wedding blog Fiona Campbell (5)

Who pro­posed, and how?

Nick, on Rich­mond hill. Just popped the ques­tion, no knees involved.

Wed­ding venue: Ross­lyn Hill Uni­tar­ian Chapel, Hamp­stead, London

Wed­ding pho­tog­ra­pher: Fiona Camp­bell www.fionacampbelllondon.com

How would you describe your wed­ding style?

Just our own thing I guess, I couldn’t give it a name.

The wed­ding ceremony:

Reli­gious or civil? Uni­tar­ian– spir­i­tual with­out any fixed reli­gion. Not many peo­ple take that route: Really it’s reli­gious AND civil, because you are allowed to men­tion reli­gious imagery if you want to but it can be what­ever you want.

Uni­tar­ian chapels are inclu­sive and on a week-to-week basis they will preach ser­mons from Chris­t­ian to Kab­bal­is­tic to Pagan to Vedic Phi­los­o­phy, to 20th cen­tury phi­los­o­phy, with a con­gre­ga­tion who are happy to draw upon all of it.

In a civil cer­e­mony you are not allowed to men­tion any­thing reli­gious , even the word “Angels” so we were told.

Which read­ings did you choose? Khalil Gibrahn and Rumi

The wed­ding reception:

What were your high­lights? The whole thing. Pos­si­bly the Irish Band kick­ing in and my dad doing the can-can.

Venue styling and details: Recep­tion is a shabby chic, black walled ware­house vibe with art cov­er­ing the walls and can­dle wax pour­ing out of every corner.

Music and enter­tain­ment: Made our own playlists and got a great Irish band

What did you wear? Haley: Mon­soon white Gre­cian num­ber I believe, Nick a Grey Paul Smith 3 piece

Mem­o­rable moments: Apart from being pro­nounced man and wife, dri­ving in an open topped Cit­roen 2CV to the recep­tion was lovely, espe­cially as it wasn’t rain­ing. We had a closed-topped one on standby too!

Wed­ding day advice:

Find time to gather your­self, make sure you spend at least a few moments talk­ing with peo­ple who have trav­elled to the wed­ding and who you won’t see again for ages.

Rec­om­mended wed­ding suppliers:

We bought lit­tle bits any­where and every­where. Paul Smith came through well for Groom’s apparel, Bridal wear takes a litle more search­ing and is much more per­sonal we think, so fol­low your nose!

Lis­ten to Nick Holy­well Walker’s music here http://soundcloud.com/30–000-days/sets

For Lon­don wed­ding pho­tog­ra­phy visit www.fionacampbelllondon.com or call Fiona on 07977 538424

Fiona’s assis­tant Kat de Sarigny assisted on the shoot. Her web­site is http://www.desarignyphotography.com/