A Trunkated Victory

By Chase

Hellcat draws a lot like she sings: what may be lacking in terms of innate artistic ability is more than compensated for with sheer output.

And a Hello Kitty microphone and multiple wardrobe changes and raw primal aggression in the case of singing.

So last night when she announced she was going to color a picture for me, it was no surprise she reappeared minutes later with five. And — contrary to Kick Ass Wife’s baseless assertions that Hellcat is a daddy’s girl — she included her mother as a recipient on all but one of them, as well.

After all, Hellcat is nothing if not thoughtful.

As we thanked our precocious artist and made our best-educated guesses at the species of those animals not conveniently labeled (if you’re curious, that is a lion, not a “scared wiener dog” as Perpetual Motion chimed in), I decided it was a perfect opportunity for a little innuendo, as though there are non-perfect times.

“Your mom is probably most impressed by this one,” I explained, pointing, “because she can’t help but think of your dad any time she sees an elephant.”

“Why?” asked Hellcat.

“Because elephants have really… long… memories, just like me.”

After sighing and eye rolling in the manner our kids have become accustomed to, Kick Ass Wife said, “Actually, the reason I think of your dad when I see elephants is because the size of their brains is much smaller than the size of their bodies would suggest.”

“Ohhhhhhh, Dad!” exclaimed Slim in that manner common to 8-year-old’s-who-aren’t-minding-their-own-business-just-before-their-faced-fathers-send-them-to-their-rooms.

Luckily, elephants have thick skin, too.