A True Blood Ultimatum Has Been Issued

Posted on the 29 July 2011 by Eric And Sookie Lovers @EricSookieLover

I found this interesting article and thought you would enjoy reading it too!

The writer, Chelsea Muller, is obviously someone who has read the Sookie Stackhouse novels before. She has issued an ultimatum to True Blood to fix things – or she’ll quit watching!

This is her list of demands (and we don’t blame her):

1. I want my Sookie/Eric relationship and I want it front and center. I understand why the show made Bill more sympathetic than the novels, but I have been waiting for Sookie to ditch him for three seasons. Give me vulnerable Viking vampire sex, please.

2. I need a strong overarching plot. Sookie needs something to do (in addition to the aforementioned Viking), and she needs to kick a little ass. Dead to the World was the big changing point for her, where the starts to become a part of the supernatural community. Scatter-shot storylines will result in a Chelsea/True Blood break-up.

What do you think of her demands? Do you agree or disagree?

You can read her entire article here!

Sound familiar? I think there are a lot of Eric & Sookie Lovers who are watching this season very closely!

What do you think? Share your thoughts below!