A Trip to the Zoo...

By Thestyletreaty @thestyletreaty

Yesterday I was well and truely spoiled by the boy. A day out at London Zoo and a slap up meal to finish off the day! You'll all know by now I'm a nature-loving freak, my second career choice in life would be a zoo keeper, well when we were there I found out that you can be a zoo keeper for the day! HOW COOL? You can find out more here at 'keeper for a day'.Didn't really get an outfit post, I'm not the best at dressing down casually, but I wanted to be comfortable for the day, so I went with my silk front khaki tee, which I'm addicted to right now; it's big and comfy and folds nicely without looking scruffy. A staple pair of skinny blue jeans and my super soft leather jacket (possibly one of my best buys ever!).