A Traditional White Wedding with a Contemporary London Theme

By Claire

Kirsty and Luke chose Cecelina Pho­tog­ra­phy to cap­ture their day on cam­era. I love Cecelina’s story: she grew up in Swe­den and came to Lon­don a few years ago. With lit­tle more than her beloved cam­era she has built a life here and is fol­low­ing her dream of being a pho­tog­ra­pher. What a won­der­ful adventure!

Kirsty’s wed­ding report has a mega list of other wed­ding sup­pli­ers she rec­om­mends — and this is some­thing I really love to see. Wed­ding blogs are all about help­ing you, lovely read­ers! When Kirsty said to me, “We would love it if you could men­tion all of them as they all played a big part in our day. How­ever, if you can’t please let us know…” I was delighted. The more the mer­rier, if you ask me!

Enjoy: Kirsty and Luke’s Lon­don wedding.

Who pro­posed, and how?

Luke pro­posed whilst we were on hol­i­day in Turkey in July 2010.

Wed­ding venue:

Church – The Pri­ory Church of St Bartholomew the Great, West Smith­field, Lon­don. This was fol­lowed by a drinks recep­tion in St James Square and then the main recep­tion took place across the road at The Royal Auto­mo­bile Club, Pall Mall, London.

Wed­ding pho­tog­ra­pher: Cecelina Photography

How would you describe your wed­ding style?

A tra­di­tional white wed­ding with a con­tem­po­rary Lon­don theme.

The wed­ding ceremony:

Reli­gious or civil? Religious

Which read­ings did you choose? The first let­ter of St Paul to the Corinthi­ans 13:1–13 and Song of Solomon 2:10–13;8:6–7.

What did you wear?

Bride: Essence gown style 1209. This was an Ivory gown made of beaded lace over Dolce satin.

Groom: char­coal gray morn­ing suit with ivory waist­coat and cravat.

Mem­o­rable wed­ding day moments:

See­ing each other in Church for the first time on our Wed­ding Day and being sur­rounded by all of our fam­ily and friends.

Wed­ding day advice:

Take time with each other through­out the day to reflect on the spe­cial moments.

The wed­ding reception:

What were your wed­ding high­lights? There are so many but a few of them are -

  • Exchang­ing vows and our rings
  • being intro­duced as Mr and Mrs Hal­libur­ton for the first time
  • The vicar Father Mark Young
  • See­ing all of our plan­ning for the big day com­ing to fruition
  • the speeches
  • the party atmos­phere in the evening
  • hav­ing all of our friends and fam­ily in one place to cel­e­brate our day.

Wed­ding venue styling and details:

The Lon­don theme ran through­out, includ­ing our sta­tionery, trans­port, favours for our guests and party bags for the chil­dren. The color theme through­out the day was soft greens and pas­tel pinks.

Wed­ding music and entertainment:

As well as the amaz­ing choir at the church, ‘Impromptu’ Quar­tet pro­vided music at the church and also at the recep­tion. Matthew Stir­ling enter­tained guests with his magic at the drinks recep­tion. In the evening the band ‘Funki­fi­ca­tion’ pro­vided the music for us and all of our guests on the dance­floor. ‘Won­der­scene’ pro­vided a fun twist on the tra­di­tional photo booth, where we along with our guests were unable to dress up and use funny props for funny pho­tos in the evening.

Kirsty and Luke’s rec­om­mended wed­ding suppliers

All the Lon­don wed­ding sup­pli­ers you could ever need, right?! I love Kirsty and Luke’s gen­eros­ity in shar­ing so many of their sup­pli­ers’ details! Makes me happy… as does this lovely final photo.