A Traditional UK Wedding Blog — Louise and Michael in Oxford

By Claire

I love the images of their day which really cap­ture a sense of time­less romance and occa­sion. The recep­tion was held in Oxford’s Oriel col­lege (Michael’s old col­lege), and some of my favorite moments are the speeches as well as the roman­tic wed­ding pic­tures which show how impor­tant it is to spend a lit­tle time together as a cou­ple on your wed­ding day.

The wed­ding pho­tographs are by lovely Emma Lucy Pho­tog­ra­phy, and Louise has answered a few ques­tions about their wed­ding day to share with all of you as well. You’ll love it — so sit back and enjoy!

The bride and groom: Louise & Michael Roddy

Who pro­posed, and how?

Mike pro­posed – we were in Bruges (he had taken me there as a spe­cial sur­prise trip) and he had booked a gor­geous hotel on the banks of the canal. He pro­posed on our sec­ond night there – it was really roman­tic in one of the squares which was all lit up so seemed very magical!

Wed­ding venue: Oriel Col­lege, Oxford

The cer­e­mony was held at Oriel Col­lege Chapel in Oxford (as Mike stud­ied Law there between 2000–2003 which meant we could get mar­ried there), the wed­ding break­fast was held in Oriel Col­lege and then the evening recep­tion was held at The Oxford Union in one of the debat­ing cham­bers (has­ten to add there were no debates!). We and the guests walked through the city cen­tre between venues.

Wed­ding pho­tog­ra­pher: Emma Lucy Pho­tog­ra­phy (rec­om­mended by a friend) and she was bril­liant, very unpres­sured but we love the photos!


How would you describe your wed­ding style?

Very tra­di­tional, yet relaxed with a nice Oxford twist.

The wed­ding cer­e­mony: A reli­gious ser­vice with read­ings 1 Corinthi­ans 13 & Song of Solomon 2.10–13; 8.6,7

What were your wed­ding highlights?

Get­ting mar­ried in Mike’s old col­lege in such a tra­di­tional cer­e­mony and walk­ing through the mid­dle of Oxford city cen­tre in all of the wed­ding gear!

What did you wear?

Bride: Anna­sul Y dress from Ellie Sander­son in Beaconsfield

Groom: Hand made navy blue 3 piece suit

Mem­o­rable wed­ding day moments:

The amaz­ing weather, bril­liant grounds, great guests and a very tra­di­tional Oxford wed­ding (the place in which both bride and groom worked until very recently as police offi­cers!)

I’d love to hear your com­ments — and I’m sure Louise and Mike would too. Just use the com­ments box at the end of the blog post!

Have a lovely day every­one. Claire xxx