A Totally Doggy Post .... Well Almost!!

By Sue15cat

Yesterday I spent most of the day with my Mum and brother Graham.  We met up at Cheshire Oaks Designer Outlet, had a wander around the shops,  drank numerous cups of coffee and had a spot of lunch along with a bit of a catch up .... it's seems us ladies who lunch have taken to dragging along a token male to keep us company this past couple of weeks  :-)

Anyway when I got back, the dogs who had been snoozing the day away ... very sensible with the temperatures we have here at the moment ... were relieved to get out and about in the sunshine and have a good old play around in the paddock.

Running free and letting off steam and just generally tiring themselves out.

Here's Mavis getting her breath back .....

... and grinning at Mum.

Pensive for a moment ....

.., and then back came that happy face.

Suky enjoyed her run around the paddock with the others and then we all went back over to check out the chickens.

You might be mistaken for thinking that doggy walks are just that ... but no most of our doggy walks and play sessions include our feline member of the pack.  

Ginger is always happy to mooch about the paddock with us.  Although this time he kept out of the way while the dogs whizzed round and round, and simply strolled along at his own pace.
A good day in lovely weather, but roll on cooler temperatures I say ... I got bitten to buggery sitting on the grass taking photos of the animals, and last night I had some most unwelcome visitors ... three Daddy Long Legs flying round the living room ... YUK !!
Sue xx