A Time for New Beginnings

By Cynthialuhrs @wickedgreens

Happy Fall!

Today is officially the first day of fall. This is the day when the Sun crosses the celestial equator and is also known as the Autumnal Equinox.

But to me, Fall is a time for new beginnings. Maybe it’s all those first day of school events throughout my life but whatever it is, I embrace this time of year. Instead of waiting until New Year’s I think it’s a great time to look back at the year and evaluate what you accomplished. And then set your goals for next year.

It’s also a time to prepare for Winter. A time to renew and recharge. To be quiet an reflect until Spring.

For me, I published 2 novels and my novella will be published in the next month. At the end of the year I’ll share my progress on the rest of my goals and tell you what I’m planning for 2014. 

What does Fall mean to you?


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