A Thanksgiving Guest That Would Bring the LOLs

Posted on the 25 November 2011 by Karibestrycki @bloglikeitshot

With the Thanksgiving holiday winding down, I began to ponder about what celeb I would have loved to have at the table.

Since Britney Spears and Alec Baldwin had plans and Katie Holmes and Suri’s invitation must have gotten lost in the mail, I have chosen to invite the following celebrity to stop over and maybe bring some pumpkin pie.

Tina Fey

Photo Courtesy: blogs.ocweekly.com

First of all, let me drop this knowledge bomb on you…Tina’s full name is actually Elizabeth Stamatina Fey. Did you see that one coming, because I sure didn’t.

When I think of Tina Fey at the Thanksgiving table, I picture her spitting out one-liners and asking me to pass the gravy. She’s sassy, yet classy and can say “you betcha” with the best of them.

I respect Tina a lot because she hasn’t forgotten her inner nerd. Miss Fey can pull it together and looks amazing when she is walking down that red carpet, but she always finds a way to let her inner nerd shine. For example, have you seen “Baby Mama” or her portrayal of Liz Lemon on “30 Rock?” Please watch the clips…they will make you feel good about yourself, I promise.

There was one moment that really made room in my heart for Tina. As you can probably guess, it was the many amazing Sarah Palin skits that Tina perfectly portrayed. Below is one of my favorite clips.

I would like to thank Palin/Tina for helping me add such phrases as “maverick,” “you betcha” and “I can see Russia from my house” to my vocabulary.

Tina – This is an open invitation. You are welcome in my home year-round. Just make sure you bring a box and/or bottle of wine and a gift for the cats!

Happy Thanksgiving to all and to all a good evening!