A Sweet Treat for Little Mr A’s Teachers

By Mummyoftwo @RaspberryGiggle

December 17, 2013, admin, Christmas, Food, School, , 0

I wanted Little Mr A to be able to take a small gift in for his teachers this Christmas, however, with four different teachers/teaching assistants to buy gifts for, I had to think of something that wouldn’t cost a fortune!

I decided to make them some chocolate creams as they are really simple to make and I thought they would look like a nice, homemade gift.

These really are so easy to make (well if you cheat like I did anyway!).  All you need is a packet of fondant icing, some flavourings and some dark chocolate.  You can also use some food colouring too if you want to make them look nicer.

I made two different flavoured creams, strawberry and peppermint.

Firstly I split the fondant icing in two and then kneaded in the different flavourings and colours to the two halves.

I then rolled it out to around half a centimetre thick and used a small heart cutter to cut out the creams.

A great tip which I found online is to use cornflour instead of icing sugar to roll out the icing.  When rolling out with icing sugar I find it becomes far too sticky and messy and I get too stressed with it all!  The cornflour meant the icing didn’t stick to the work surface or the rolling pin and made the whole process a lot easier!

Once I had cut out all of the creams I melted some dark chocolate over a bowl of hot water.  I removed the bowl from the heat once the chocolate had melted and began dipping!  You have to be quite quick dipping the creams in the chocolate otherwise they can melt a little and loose their shape.

Once fully covered in chocolate I placed them onto a baking sheet and cling film and popped them into the fridge to set.  They only took around an hour to completely set firm and they came away from the baking sheet/cling film very easily.

I had bought some Christmas cellophane bags which I made tags for and then placed the creams inside.

Job done!  A really simple, homemade gift for Little Mr A’s teachers.

Do you make or buy gifts for your children’s teachers at Christmas?