A Surprise Harvest And Spaghetti Squash Success!

By Forayintofood @ForayIntoFood

Do 14 small peaches count as a harvest?  I don’t know, but I’m pretty happy right now.  My friend, Jennette, (Remember her from my Thrive giveaway?) came over the other day and said, “I think your peaches are ready!”  Sure enough, she was right!  I took a look today, and they were ready!  See?

Aren’t they beautiful? They’re a little small, only about 1 – 1 1/2 inches, but they taste good: juicy and sweet!

Peaches are usually harvested in late June – early July, but I guess our warm winter hastened the harvest.  It was a lovely surprise to have these gorgeous peaches so early in the year!  Now all that remains is to decide what I’m going to do with them.  Decisions, decisions…

Peaches are not all that’s growing in my garden right now.  Take a look!

My spaghetti squash seeds have sprouted! I have 4 spaghetti squash plants poking out of the ground in different places throughout my yard. I thought trying a few different spots might increase my chances of success. We’ll just have to wait and see, won’t we?

Two of my three pepper plants from last year have little peppers growing on them. The third looks like it’s getting ready to blossom, so I may have three plants with peppers very soon.

Two of my three tomato plants have tomatoes! Here’s one.

And here’s the other. This is a cherry tomato plant, and I was a bit worried it was going to just produce flowers and no fruit. I was quite pleased to see that my worries were unfounded.

My”cage is keeping my eggplant safe from the bunnies!  It has one flower open with a few others getting ready to bloom.

And finally, my strawberries… I did not end up putting cages around them. I found an all natural spray (made of garlic and water) which bunnies do not like. They’ve munched on a couple of leaves over the past week, but they take one bite and stop eating. I may have strawberries yet!

So, for the moment, my garden is growing and producing.  Hopefully I will have a lovely harvest for my family.

Is the weather warm enough in your neck of the woods to start your garden? 

What are you planning to grow this year?