A Surprise Book in the Mail!

By Elizabethprata @elizabethprata
By Elizabeth Prata
Coming home to books is the best! My Amazon delivery arrived. Sinclair Ferguson's "Man Overboard! The Story of Jonah" arrived. Coming in at a slim 98 pages, this "teaching of Jonah searches our hearts and consciences in a special way because it is the story of a man who was on the run from God. It traces not only the path of his journey, but unravels the inner workings of his heart- his fears, motivations, and passing moods," according to the book blurb.
I like Sinclair Ferguson's sermons and his books. I enjoyed his sermon  on Proverbs, Answer a Fool; Don't answer a Fool quite a bit. His book "Love Came Down at Christmas" was a terrific devotional. I'm looking forward to this.

The book Safe and Sound: Standing Firm in Spiritual Battles by David Powlison was a surprise! A dear sister sent this to me out of the blue. I love it! I like Powlison was a good writer. The blurb says,
In this helpful guide, Powlison addresses many questions with gospel answers regarding the reality of spiritual warfare, including What is spiritual warfare? and How does Ephesians disciple us in spiritual warfare?
Safe and Sound presents Ephesians as a book about our conflict with darkness within ourselves, with other people, and with the spiritual forces of evil. Powlison demonstrates how the message of Christ's triumph over all that is evil, dark, and deadly rings true, and how spiritual warfare is our participation in the Lord's cosmic war with darkness.

So I'm thrilled. And yes, this is (happily) me:

Now excuse me, I have some reading to do!