A Sunny Royal Berkshire Wedding — Making Memories!

By Claire

I love this wed­ding for the roman­tic images and mem­o­ries: the beau­ti­ful sun­shine, the pas­sion­ate hugs. The laughs, the smiles, the mem­o­ries, the vicar lift­ing drain cov­ers in church to find the groom’s ring where it fell…

Images are by Louise Bjor­ling, and Emma and Luke have shared their wed­ding story with you today. Enjoy! Claire xxx

The bride and groom: Emma Bryant & Luke O’ Reilly

Who pro­posed, and how?

Luke pro­posed. He took me to Paris and we walked around Paris all day — the Eif­fel Tower, Arc de Tri­om­phe etc, and he was so ner­vous when he pro­posed out­side our hotel in Paris.

Wed­ding venue: Royal Berk­shire Hotel in Ascot

Wed­ding pho­tog­ra­pher: Louise Bjor­ling

How would you describe your wed­ding style? Modern

The wed­ding cer­e­mony: St Bartholomew Church, Nettlebed

Reli­gious or civil? Religious

Which read­ings did you chose? Song of Solomon Chap­ter 2.10–13; 8.6–7

What were your wed­ding highlights?

The whole day was fan­tas­tic, but one thing that I’m really glad that we got is a por­trait repli­cat­ing the wed­ding por­trait of my par­ents, out­side the church. My par­ents got mar­ried at the very same church many years ago, so we found the same spot and our pho­tog­ra­pher repli­cated the shot!

Wed­ding venue styling and details:

We went for a chilled out wed­ding at a coun­try­side venue — The Royal Berk­shire Hotel. And we had a color theme which was pur­ple — so we had the pur­ple in the brides­maids’ dresses and for their hair clips, as well as for men’s ties, details in the wed­ding decor and cake, Luke’s but­ton­hole and some flow­ers in the bridal bouquet.

Wed­ding music and enter­tain­ment: DJ

What did you wear?

Bride: White strap­less dress and a pair of shoes that had “I do” writ­ten under­neath them.

Groom: Grey morn­ing suit with white waist­coat and cravat

Mem­o­rable wed­ding day moments:

The Groom’s ring fell down a drain in the church just before the cer­e­mony was about to start! And I will always remem­ber Luke’s speech.

Wed­ding day advice:

  • It’s worth spend­ing the extra on a good pho­tog­ra­pher and for videog­ra­phy we did some­thing called “shoot it your­self video record­ing” — and the end result was brilliant.
  • Start plan­ning early to get the good deals.
  • We also had a photo booth which really brought all the guests together in the evening and we used the pic­tures for our guest book — peo­ple pasted them straight in to the book and wrote mes­sages next to them.

Rec­om­mended wed­ding suppliers: