A Summer House Wedding at Wasing Park

By Claire

The quaint little summerhouse, all white with blue inside and painted apple blossom... the gorgeous bride (I almost called this wedding blog post "The most beau­ti­ful girl in the world”) and a lovely Eng­lish wed­ding day unfolds in pictures…

Ruth and Tris­tan were mar­ried at Was­ing Park, with their cer­e­mony in the Vic­to­rian sum­mer house and a recep­tion in the con­verted barn. They planned the wed­ding in just 9 months — and did a won­der­ful job with it all. Their wed­ding pho­tog­ra­pher was Michelle Joubert-Martin.


The mar­riage proposal:

Tris­tan went away on busi­ness to the Philip­pines and on the day he was due to get back into heathrow all the snow hit and the plane was diverted to Man­ches­ter. Ruth caught the train to heathrow and waited a few hours before Tris­tan called from the plane sat on the run­way at Man­ches­ter and said they were waited for the snow to be cleared and Ruth ought to go home before the snow stopped the trains running.

After Tris­tan sat on the run­way for 4 hrs the pilots then declared that they were off duty and were now unable to fly so got every­one off the plane and put them in coaches to drive the pas­sen­gers back down to Heathrow.

At 4am Tris­tan arrived home and work Ruth up in the mid­dle of the night and proposed.

The wed­ding was 9months after the pro­posal, because Ruth is incred­i­bly impa­tient and we decided 9 months was a good period of time to save enough money!
Ruth made the bou­quets, and table cen­ter pieces. The brides­maids bou­quets and cen­tre­pieces were made with wooden roses and the brides bou­quet was made with feather but­ter­flies.

A few words from bride and groom Ruth and Tristan

The girls went to the hair­dressers in the morn­ing then drove over to Was­ing Park to hang the bunting in the hall. Ruth and the brides­maids got ready in the bridal suite.

The cer­e­mony began at 14:30 out­side in the Vic­to­rian sum­mer house, then onto the cer­e­mony barn for drinks, we had a magi­cian to enter­tain the guest dur­ing this time. Then the pho­to­shoot for fam­ily fol­lowed by the cou­ple shoot. Then the wed­ding break­fast in the cas­tle barn, we also had our evening recep­tion in here.

Mem­o­rable wed­ding day moments

The recep­tion was the most mem­o­rable, and really enjoy­able as it was great to spend time hav­ing fun with all our friends and family.

Wed­ding day advice

Be cre­ative, there’s so much you can do your­self to make the day really special.

Sup­pli­ers: Was­ing Park (Cas­tle Barn) in Aldermason.

Michelle Joubert-Martin Pho­tog­ra­phy — www.michellejoubert-martin.com Michelle is going to be in the UK and avail­able for wed­dings there dur­ing the month of June