A Stunning Second Chance Love Story On The Beach by My Heart Follows

By Jax

A beautiful couple inside and out, an insanely creative Proposal Film that had me in tears, and a photographer who is simply amazing. Need I say more? Here is a little about the shoot from superstar Ivy Vena, the talent behind the lens of this gorgeous second chance shoot…

From My Heart Follows photographer Ivy Vena…

“This couple is so amazing.  I came across their story when their Proposal Film went viral on Facebook (also check out their Save The Date Film) .  I watched their video thinking I would love to photograph their day.  And while I didn’t get to shoot their wedding day, I was so thankful that some Instagram followers tagged me on Yvonne’s post asking for recommendations for local photographers.  And there my conversation with Yvonne began which led us to their “Another Chance” portrait session.  My “Another Chance” sessions are simply that; another opportunity for loved up couples to have their portraits taken again following their wedding day.  And so I was very happy to have done this with them.”


In three words describe each other as individuals…

Yvonne describing Ben: Considerate, Creative, Charming.
Ben describing Yvonne: Selfless, Wise, Beautiful.

How did you meet?

Ben and I meet through a polynesian youth movement we were both part of for our area. We made the connection and everything fall into place from there. 4.5 Years of long distance before finally tying the knot. We went through different phases of sending letters, to emails, phone cards and thank God for technology we advanced to facetime and viber. Modern day penpals of the 21st Century.

Tell us the one quality you love most about each other…

Yvonne: I love how driven he is. Ben is a true testimony of perseverance.
Ben: I love how silly Yvonne can be, Not too many people see this side of her… this helps make our marriage fun.

In three words describe your wedding style…

Christ Centered, Traditional, Cultural.

What were your save and splurge items for your wedding?

One thing we splurged on was the food. We love food and so do our families so we wanted to make sure we had good food and lots of it.

We saved on our bridesmaid dresses. We managed to score a very sweet deal with our seamstress – having 11 Bridesmaids they were able to give us a great bargain buying bulk. The dresses turned out very pretty and at reasonable price.

What music did you play for those special moments?

We had our friends from Lifestyle of Worship play at our wedding. They played “The Vow” by Fiji as the bridesmaids walked in and then “A thousand years” for the entrance of the Bride. The first song we worshiped to was “Because of who you are” by Vicki Yohe. The signing of the registry they sang “Holy Spirit” by Brian and Katie Torwalt.

Where did you go for you honeymoon and why?

We didn’t actually go on a honeymoon. Our main focus was spending time with family members who traveled from afar. Hopefully we can go on a honeymoon a little later…

What advice would you give to future brides to be? Any tips or tricks?

ENJOY the process. It is so easy to get into the habbit of checking things off on the to do list that we forget what it is really about. It is more than just a task, it’s about being able to come together with family, friends and before God to share the love you have with your bestfriend as you venture into this journey.

Don’t dread the process, enjoy it and on the day, take time to really take in every single part of it. Yes things might not happen the way you planned or hoped but remember you just put a ring on your finger and you have just married the man of your dreams and that is all that matters.

What do you love most about being married?

The thing I love the most about being married is being able to do life with your best friend. The late night conversations about everything, the uncontainable laughs. The freedom to share your dreams and desires with the person you see yourself with forever.


“Photography to me as an outlet for my true inner-self. My creative self.  The opportunity to be a part of a new chapter in a couple’s life or to stop time for just an hour for a special person, family, couple is such an honor to me. Ultimately, my aim is to create beautiful images that will stir emotions.”


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