A Strange RESEMBLANCE Between Hazrat Isa A.s and the Promised Messiah A.s
By Kashifqdn
Jesus was of the Jews. He did not use the word Christian for himself or his followers.In fact the word had been in use as a derogatory title and a sign of contempt by the Romans ! Only later loosing its NEGATIVE flavor!!!
The use of the word "Jew" should NOT be an anathema. In Arabic if you explore the root meaning of the word "ya hood", it is actually from the same root as "hidayat, huda, (i.e guidance) etc" , the word "ya hood" means the "GUIDED " same as "mah di" or one treading the Right Path. The word Muslim, has been used in literal sense.... Obedient to God, surrendered to God.
It is so interesting, to watch this resemblance !!!
In his age, due to his being "the Christ" his followers have been called "Christians", due to his being from "Nasira" [Nazareth], his followers have called "Naswara" [Nazereens ], due to his First name "Yusoo" [Jesus], his followers have been called "Eesai" !!!
Now watch the same in his Second Coming.....
The followers of the Promised Messiah Hadhrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Qadiani... due to his being "Ahmad" are called "Ahmadis", due to his being "Mirza" [literally 'Prince'] are called "Mirzais" [contemptuously], due to his village name "Qadian" are called "Qadianis" [contemptuously]
What a strange RESEMBLANCE !!!
Yet another ONE !!!
The word Church means the congregation, the organization, [besides the Building called Church ] the word used now... is "Jama'at".... Church if translated in Arabic is ' Jama'at '.
And what is " Catholic " ? Catholic means universal, international, global !!! the same word as we use "alamgeer' International.
I am sure few Ahmadis know that Church means "Jama'at" and Catholic means "Alamgeer" [international] wow... wow again !!!
WHAT A RESEMBLANCE between the 1st and 2nd Messiah
More on Resemblance between Promised Messiah Hadhrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad and Jesus of Nazarath