A Spring Clean

Posted on the 02 April 2014 by Chrryblossomtat2
This story starts in the kitchen of our home, it starts with a shocking revelation - I couldn't make my fabulous recipe (as alluded to in this post) due to our ingredients cupboard being shockingly full of out of date items! I'm not just talking a few months out of date but years, some where from 2011! The shame is almost overwhelming but not really...

So no pumpkin scones, no wonderful reveal of how you can still have stored foodstuffs from the last harvest ready to be made into something delicious even in March *shakes head with such melancholy*
Aww well...moving on.
At the allotment we are still slowly but surely kicking ass on 14b and boy it feels great :) It's a hard slog but I love it; getting rid of weeds is my sort of my thing. Just look at how much better the summer raspberries look now without all the grass and thistles etc. Goodness the 'Tulameen' are going crazy (the ones closed to the camera) I don't know whether I ought to have cut more of the runners out but I had so many things I wanted to get done, like clearing the overgrown path too, still much to do, but it's better.

Then I turned 90 degrees to my right and decided this, this was the new enemy. It was really tough going and I was exhausted by the time I had gotten this far (which was 'home time'), but every huge weed and it's root system has been obliterated thus far :) Plus Andrew got some fine mesh net fencing up to try and help keep next doors' weeds out a little and give us some wind protection.

So home time it was and it had just started to rain as well so that always makes me feel better about leaving. Funny, we were there on one of the most settled days yet and only 2 other people were on their plots. It was only as we were leaving (cue rain) that a group of men arrived to tackle an overgrown plot....wonder if they stayed long.
Lucky for me I got some nice Springy photos at tea break time and again as I was packing up; Andrew got together our first harvest of the new year - Rhubarb! But that's all for next time xxx
Hugs and love
Carrie x