A Sneak Preview of Plantedd!

By Plantedd @Plantedd

Without further ado, here is a little look behind the curtains at the Plantedd website. You will have to wait a little longer for the official, big reveal when you can start buying plants but since everybody has been so patient I wanted to give you all a glimpse of the website.

A peek at how products will be displayed on Plantedd.  Copyright © Plantedd 2012

We have been hard at work behind the scenes (like Oompa Loompas) building a website that does justice to the amazing plants that nurseries will be selling on Plantedd. 

This week, we started testing the website on real-life human beans from the wild. We want Plantedd to be easy to use and easy on the eye, but there's only one way to find out so we asked people to take the website for a test drive and got them to find and buy plants. I'm happy to say that there's been brilliant feedback, and we'll be inviting more people into the Plantedd office next week to do some more testing. 

Here are some of the words that we've been told best describe the Plantedd website. We're very proud of it because these are also the things that are important to us, so it's good that it's coming across!

A word cloud generated from our usability testing.

You can sign up at www.plantedd.com if you want to be the first to find out when we launch. Nurseries who want to sell and gardeners who want to buy, all are welcome!

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