A Sneak Peek at Personal Style Pieces for Blue Collar Workers!

By Cefashion @cefashion

A workwear or a work uniform usually identifies the person as a part of the organization. Whether the employees is white collared, blue collared or pink collared, the workwear plays a very important part in identifying the person’s role in the working environment. As a result, every category of employees has their own definite set of personal style pieces that they can experiment with to give a unique look to the people. 

These workwear are not only designed set them unique from others, but they are also helping in giving comfort and safety at the typical working environment. So, let us have a sneak peek at the delovna oblačila of blue-collar workers, who are considered as on-field workers and safety means, a lot to them:

  • Work Boots: For the blue collar workers, work boots play a major role for the safety of their feet. The blue collared workers need to spend more time in on-field works and so it is important to invest smartly on the stylish piece of the men’s footwear. Along with the look, it is necessary that the boots you choose meets your on-field requirements and are functional. 

  • Protective Eyewear and Sunglasses: Under extreme work conditions, people usually invest with the quality pair of optics rather than investing with the cheap glasses. It’s a fact that high-quality lenses gives better protection to the eyes and are made from sturdier materials that are more comfortable having a definite warranty period. The blue collar workers may prefer those glasses that suit their needs. Whether they are engineers or military and police forces, they need to select the eyewear, according to their own needs.

  • Protective Headwear: A protective headwear is necessary for the blue collars for the safety purpose which is also the easiest way to declare his sense of style and common sense. The thing that creates more sense is that it is a cool way to beat down the hot sun falling on your head all the afternoon or just wearing a light colored straw hat that helps the air to circulate while keeping the sun off the skin. Majority of the men who work on-field wear a baseball cap. This is generally not preferred as they partially shield the eyes as well as rarely fitted for allowing air circulation. 

  • Working Jeans: Working jeans could prove to be more comfortable as compared to the normal jeans for the blue collared workers. A pair of jeans having valued price would look respectable while serving its purpose as the workwear. Look for the dark colored jeans as it will help in hiding the stains and dirt best way. The jeans must fit snugly and should be able to hold up without a belt.

  • Different Work shirt Options:One can work in a t-shirt, but it is not considered as a formal work shirt due to some of the reasons. The t-shirt is usually made up of synthetic fibers that doesn’t breathe and exposes your forearms as well as neck and also is light weight to protect skin from sharp objects. Instead of that, you could opt for the Classic Cotton Work Shirt or the Denim Work Shirt or the Chambray Work Shirt.

  • Handkerchief: For the blue collars, a paper towel or a tissue is considered as a more sanitary option, but also the cotton handkerchief proves to be more versatile. A red handkerchief could be handier as they can be used for several purposes, including applying pressure on a bleeding hand, temporary tie down a pipe and many others.

Thus, these were some of the best style pieces that the blue collared workers must choose to make their unique presence.