A Slice of Life Post: Immunotherapy

By Lisaorchard @lisaorchard1

Hello everyone! I hope all is well with you. Well, I’m back this week with another Slice of Life Post. I took the month of March off because the Two Writing Teachers were doing Slices with their classrooms during that month, but I’m back now and sharing another Slice of my Life with all of you.

During the month of March, a friend of mine had a family member diagnosed with cancer. I learned of this the same week I learned of a new therapy for cancer. It’s called Immunotherapy.

This type of therapy trains your immune system to attack cancer cells and kill them while leaving healthy cells alone. There are no side effects to this type of treatment unlike chemotherapy.

Here’s a video that explains it:


Check out Mike Kenney’s Amazing Story

This procedure has a ninety percent success rate so far. When I compare this to chemotherapy, it’s a no-brainer. There are no side effects and no residual damage to the body after treatment, with chemotherapy there is. Chemotherapy is very hard on the body and can leave permanent damage. For example, numbness in the hands and feet.

Imagine how my anxiety skyrocketed when I thought I’d lose the ability to type.  Was chemotherapy worth it at that point? I give you a reluctant yes only because of my family. If I had been single, without children, and unable to write, I would’ve been hard pressed to continue treatment. Fortunately, now there’s dictation software, but I didn’t think of that at the time.

So, I’m very excited about this new treatment and I immediately told my friend about it. Researchers are conducting clinical trials as I type this, and I relayed this information to my friend. Cancer is an epidemic right now and this just might be our cure.

Photo credit: Libertas Academica via Visualhunt / CC BY


I thought I’d get the word out to you, my lovely followers, just in case you know someone who needs this treatment. Thanks for stopping by and reading my post! If you have any information you’d like to share, leave a comment! I’d love to hear from you!

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