A Simple, Elegant Wedding with Love and Laughter

By Claire

Before I start curl­ing my lip and draw­ing out every last syl­la­ble, on this blog post, I’ll tell you more about the wed­ding. This one is sim­ple, ele­gant and guar­an­teed to make you smile. Yas­min & Dar­ren For­rester were mar­ried at Turkey Mill in Kent, and chose Bil­lie and Matt Pho­tog­ra­phy to cap­ture their day on camera.

It’s a beau­ti­ful cel­e­bra­tion and the love and laugh­ter are what wed­dings are all about. Enjoy. x

Who pro­posed, and how?

It was on the 22 Sep­tem­ber 2011. We were on a sun­set cruise off the coast of Jamaica in the Caribbean Sea. After see­ing a rain­bow and a school of dol­phins fol­low­ing our boat we both wit­nessed the most amaz­ing sun­set. Once the sun went down Dar­ren went onto one knee and made me the hap­pi­est girl ever.

The venue: Turkey Mill, Maid­stone, Kent

Pho­tog­ra­pher: Bil­lie and Matt Photography

How would you describe your wed­ding style? Sim­ple and Ele­gant with Love and Laugh­ter

We had a per­son­alised civil cer­e­mony, with the read­ing “A Walled Gar­den”. We wrote a per­sonal mes­sage of Cel­e­bra­tion which was read by a close friend and had a per­for­mance of Lifted by John Leg­end sung by a close friend.

The recep­tion: highlights

The wed­ding party and guests per­form­ing the Elec­tric Slide to the song ‘Candy’ and the groom tak­ing the mic and singing Won­der­wall by Oasis backed up by his groomsmen.

Mem­o­rable moments:

There are too many to men­tion, every minute of that day holds a dif­fer­ent mem­ory and feel­ing. The con­fetti shot was fun and see­ing the guests’ delight at the sweet table was errrr.…. inter­est­ing (those sweets never had a chance). We had a LED dance floor so the first dance was extra spe­cial. All in all it was an amaz­ing day.

Wed­ding day advice:

Try your very best to enjoy every minute. Dur­ing the meal try to spend a lit­tle time with your guests, each table at a time, as they will really appre­ci­ate it. Take at least 10 min­utes to take a walk, or time out from the occa­sion, as newlyweds.


Rec­om­mended suppliers:

  • Bil­lie and Matt Pho­tog­ra­phy Con­tact Bil­lie Broome / Matt Pugh Tele­phone 07988 876752 / 07940 015949 Email billieandmatt@hotmail.co.uk Web­site www.billieandmattphotography.com
  • Azra Cater­ing Con­tact Mark Pier­son Tele­phone 01732 887067 / 07977 128706 Email azra.catering@btinternet.com Web­site http://www.azracatering.co.uk
  • Sharon Melehi Flow­ers Lon­don — 077685 73454