A Significant Moment - The Final Chapter Begins

By Solarisastro @solarisastro

Thursday sees Pluto and Jupiter conjunct at 22.52 degrees Capricorn, the final conjunction between the three planets in the Capricorn Stellium - Jupiter, Saturn & Pluto. The first conjunction of these planets was on 10th January 2020 between Saturn & Pluto as the first death of Covid-19 was confirmed. The first between Pluto & Jupiter occurred on 5th April, as the first wave of Covid-19 hit Europe and mid Summer where these planets met again in retrograde motion saw the height of the virus outbreak across the rest of the world. Now as we get to the last conjunction of Jupiter and Pluto in Capricorn, a vaccine looks as if it is on the horizon.

Now Jupiter still has to catch up with Saturn one more time, but that will be on the territory of Aquarius at 0 degrees of the sign, a seismic moment that I think will highlight the start of THE AGE OF AQUARIUS. For the first time in over a century, these giant planets will move out of meeting in Earth Signs, and start their 20 year cycle in the domain of the Air Signs. This is a very significant moment indeed.

Think about this. I see no better parting gift to the Age of Pisces than a Global Pandemic that has pushed mankind to its knees. tested caring, compassion and the medical world to its limit, brought about the closest we have ever seen to a sense of equality for all races, colours and creeds, and seen the whole world isolated and forced to suffer. Can you think of a more apt end to an Astrological Age?

To kickstart this final sprint to that Jupiter Saturn conjunction on 21st December, the day of the Winter Solstice as the Sun enters Capricorn, Mars stations direct on Friday this week, ending a series of retrograding planets that started in late April. At one point in September, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto and Chiron were all retrograde. How can anything progress under those conditions? With Mars soon to turn direct, all the major planets save Uranus and Neptune will be marching forwards, and so can we too. It's time (finally) to bring all those lessons that we learned during the Summer together, and to formulate a plan for ourselves for 2021.

And as for the new age to come? Aquarius is a sign of accepting everyone for who they are. It is a sign of community, science, technology, ideas, networking, friendship and reaching up to the universe - it's the sign of Astrology too!! It is different, kind, unique and independent. It is the sign where the world comes together as one. Exciting times lie ahead, and I think it's finally time to banish those who live and lived in the past, to the trashcan of history....