I'm majorly behind on the whole Halloween scene. I did do two posts in the run up, one about my Doll costume make up (
See it here) & another tutorial on sugar skull makeup (
See it here)
But anyways, I promised a little post about mine and the flat mates costumes, because honestly, we don't do these fancy dress parties by half..
We had several amps and speakers set up (it looked like a clubs DJ set) deadly strong black punch, disco lights & a ton of decs!
I'll apologize for the picture intense post, but honestly, we kicked Halloween arse!
They ran out of pumpkins... So we resorted to making scary ass watermelons instead!
Black punch!
Rach was a snake! she painted herself completely green!
Sooty & Sweep!!!
Yep, I added ringlet curls & barbed wire mouth to my costume!
Black swan & ghost
Creature the slutty maid
- Awkward moment when a girl turns up in the exact same costume too..
So what do you think of our costumes?
& did you do anything fun for halloween this year?