A Self Healing Process Ii

By Pragyasharma57 @pragyasharma57
A very good Morning :)
I don't why it always happens that when I am really yearning for a peaceful morning walk, it rains every time.
Well, in today's post I'll share what our speaker yesterday, Dr. BK Chandrashekhar - A Guinness Book of world Record holder told us about spiritual Healing. And they showed it practically too how much energy we can generate in our bodies by simply meditating.
You might have come across this picture, may a times right?

via www.aimee.ro

What it actually signifies? Corresponding to the 7 portions in our body there are 7 different Chakras each of a different color similar to the colors of a rainbow and in the same order 'VIBGYOR'. 

via hudakholistichealth.blogspot.com

Do remember, the mind plays an important role in this meditation practice. Your mind should be highly concentrated on what you are told to do in the steps below:
So, here are the meditation steps (completed in 20 minutes):
1. Sit in a cross legged position. Eyes closed.
2. Keep your fingers in Vayu Mudra position.

3. Now call the Supreme Soul to come and impart you energy.
4. First, imagine He is giving you Red color and you are taking it slowly and slowly (for around 2 minutes) and it resides at the bottom most part and from there on it spreads on to other portions of the body.
5. Similarly, after the red color, view in mind that now He is giving you orange color like in previous step and each color subsequently in steps : Yellow, Green, Blue, indigo, Violet - Each performing its function.
6. At the end when all colors are imparted, thank Him for the energy he provided and bid him goodbye.
Also, if you want to cure a particular ailment of a body pertinent to an organ, you can meditate about that particular color only as shown in picture above.