A few days ago, I showed you a Quinnipiac University Poll that showed some Democrats (especially Joe Biden or Beto O'Rourke) would give Trump a good battle in Texas (finishing well within. the poll's margin of error). It was the first poll in a long time that had Texas being competitive in a presidential race.
Now a second poll shows virtually the same thing. It is the University of Texas / Texas Tribune Poll -- done between February 15th and 24th of a sample of 1,200 registered Texas voters, with a margin of error of 2.83 points.
It pitted a generic Democrat against Trump, and the results were very close. About 49% said they would definitely (39%) or probably (10%) vote for Trump. About 51% said they would definitely (45%) or probably (6%) vote for someone else. If you subtract 2% to 3% from the someone else to account for third party votes, you still have Trump and a Democrat in a dead heat (within the poll's margin of error).
Adding to this is the voters opinion of the two major parties. The Republican Party was viewed favorably by 35% and unfavorably by 51%. The Democratic Party was viewed favorably by 37% and unfavorably by 50%. Those are great numbers for a state that's been red for a very long time.
It won't be easy, and it would require a very large turnout among Democrats and Independents, but it looks like Texas shouldn't be written off for 2020.