A Scientific Look At The Dangers Of High Heels

By Gerard @presurfer
A Scientific Look At The Dangers Of High Heelsimage credit
How shoes affect human gait is a controversial topic these days. The popularity of barefoot running, for instance, has grown in large part because of the belief, still unproven, that wearing modern, well-cushioned running shoes decreases foot strength and proprioception, the sense of how the body is positioned in space, and contributes to running-related injuries.
Whether high heels might likewise affect the wearer's biomechanics and injury risk has received scant scientific attention, however, even though millions of women wear heels almost every day. Neil J. Cronin, a postdoctoral researcher at the Musculoskeletal Research Program at Griffith University in Queensland, Australia, looked at the dangers of high heels, one of the first studies of its kind.The Presurfer