A Saying Goodbye Film

By Momatlast @momatlast

A Saying Goodbye Film | Every Baby Matters

The Saying Goodbye services are part of a new organisation called the Mariposa Trust, which is currently going through the process of becoming a Charitable Company. It has been created by Zoe and Andy Clark-Coates, who have personally suffered the loss of five babies. They are now blessed with having two vibrant little girls, one who is 4-years and the other who is 16-months.

“We wanted to formally remember the children we have lost and so we created Saying Goodbye as a legacy in their honor. We hope the services will help thousands of other people who also feel a need to acknowledge their babies, and to recognize their wonderful lives, however short they were. People will have the opportunity to pay tribute to their babies, whist grieving together and formally saying goodbye, which may be something they have never done before. To just stand in a room with hundreds of other people who have all been through a similar experience, knowing everyone is there to support one another, will be such a powerful moment, and we hope it will be life changing to many”

Read More on Saying Goodbye Services