A Sad Reflection.

By Philpickin @philpickin
A sad reflection.With the leaves having fallen from most of the trees and bushes in and around the garden, nests have become apparent. The one shown in this post sits quite high in a bush and was occupied this year by a family of house sparrows.

The sad thing is that they have used some discarded plastic in the building of the nest. You could joke about it helping to keep the family dry or question where the plastic came from in the first place. But I think it's sad that birds are using materials like this to build their nests.

It also proves that the issue of waste plastic isn't confined to the pollution in the seas. It's everywhere.

Ironic that I should find this a few days after giving up on an email exchange with Sainsbury's who I questioned on their use of single-use plastic bags when packing home deliveries. Despite the people I exchanged emails with being sympathetic they simply hid behind "policies" and "health and safety standards".

Meanwhile, birds continue to use plastic bags to build nests with!