A Ripple Conversation With Zennui

Posted on the 06 June 2021 by Ripplemusic

When I was a kid, growing up in a house with Cat Stevens, Neil Diamond, and Simon and Garfunkel, the first time I ever heard Kiss's "Detroit Rock City," it was a moment of musical epiphany. It was just so vicious, aggressive and mean. It changed the way I listened to music. I've had a few minor epiphany's since then, when you come across a band that just brings something new and revolutionary to your ears.

What have been your musical epiphany moments?

Lisa Simpson made me want to play the saxophone when I was in the sixth grade. The next year when my friends started a band and I wanted to join they said "We're not the fucking Hights!" So I bought a guitar. What can I say it was the early nineties.

Talk to us about the song-writing process for you. What comes first, the idea? A riff? The lyrics? How does it all fall into place?

For this album the riff came first, except for the idea of the Aquatrog. He's what's in the water.

Who has influenced you the most?

Saint Blaze- Aleister Crowley, RJ3- Horror Movies, Decibel Smith- Orson Welles

Where do you look for continuing inspiration? New ideas, new motivation?

We feel like we have a never ending source of inspiration and creativity.

We're all a product of our environment. Tell us about the band's hometown and how that reflects in the music?

Our studio is located in a post industrial wasteland known as the Silver City in the middle of Connecticut. I think our music is affected by the area both, because of how bleak it is but also in spite of it.

Where'd the band name come from?

We wanted to represent the highs and the lows. It's the zen of your Ennui.

You have one chance, what movie are you going to write the soundtrack for?

Soilent Green 2, We always wanted to see a remake!

You now write for a music publication (The Ripple Effect?).You're going to write a 1,000 word essay on one song. Which would it be and why?

We would have to choose our song "Third Eye Cyclops". There are many dimensions to the song. On the surface It's about a wandering blind Cyclops with extra sensory perception but if you dig a bit deeper you may uncover narratives about the human condition and humanity's inability to grasp reality.

Come on, share with us a couple of your great, Spinal Tap, rock and roll moments?

We started to form this band during quarantine and our first sessions were on jamkazam, but due to the latency we were having the resulting music had a circular "row row your boat" effect. After a few hilarious sessions like that we decided to get a little socially distant together. But one time our drummer did explode and all that was left was a little globual.

Tell us about playing live and the live experience for you and for your fans?

Since we started in the pandemic we haven't played as a band live yet. What fans can look forward to is a re-imagining of the fantastical world of our album Kingdom Jones and the Atom Heart Family. A high energy show with props, lights and revelry.

A great song stays true to itself.

Tell us about the first song you ever wrote?

The first song we wrote together was actually pre pandemic with no intent of forming a band. It worked out really well and then quarantine gave us an opportunity to go further with it.

What piece of your music are particularly proud of?

We are really happy with how our song Aquatrog turned out. With so many layers of the sound working together as one. It really highlights the production we are capable of at our independently run studio, Last Bastion.

Who today, writes great songs? Who just kicks your ass? Why?

Torche has been on heavy rotation at the studio lately. Their range of styles really excites us.

Vinyl, CD, or digital? What's your format of choice?

The ritual of vinyl makes for a great listening experience. On the other hand the availability of streaming provides great accessibility.

Whiskey or beer?And defend your choice

Beer, We come from New England so we love our craft breweries.

We, at the Ripple Effect, are constantly looking for new music. What's your home town, and when we get there, what's the best record store to lose ourselves in?

We are from Meriden CT and just 15 min away is our favorite record store, Red Scroll Records. It's a great place to discover new music. You're sure to find even the most obscure band.

We have so much, New music, Live shows, Live streams, Merch, some special cover songs and more!

Any final comments or thoughts you'd like to share with our readers, the waverider?

We welcome all your readers on our adventure through sound! See you in the Kingdom.