A Review of THE EXODUS GATE BY Stephen Zimmer
Posted on the 23 February 2012 by Alexxmomcat
Description:The Exodus Gate,by Stephen Zimmer, is a modern fantasy novel that is the first release in theRising Dawn Saga. The story unfolds around Benedict Darwin, host of a popularlate night radio show that deals with the paranormal. Benedict comes intopossession of a virtual reality simulator that turns out to be something fargreater and more powerful than he ever expected. Meanwhile, supernatural powersfrom the depths of the Abyss and their human allies are working tirelessly tobring about a One World Government. They are also laboring to bridge theboundaries between time and space to bring back the Nephilim, the monstrousoffspring of Fallen Avatars and humans that were destroyed in a Great Floodthat occurred long ages ago. An epic tale of courage, hope, and adventure, withfantastical realms and exotic creatures, The Exodus Gate is sure to appeal to awide range of fantasy readers. The first edition also features 15 full pageillustrations by the artist Matthew Perry.Review:The Exodus GateBy: Stephen ZimmerOne thing that is important for all to know, this is not thegenre I read frequently. That is why it took me a lot longer than it normallytakes me to read a book. It is by nomeans a reflection of the quality or readability of the book. I will read this author again and againbecause the story really is that good.The initial chapter titled “The Abyss” introduces you tosome characters that made me pause in my reading. I was concerned that the entire book wasgoing to be like it.Excerpt:Auras of shrouding blacknessencompassed the forms of the towering figures, standing with heads bowedreverently in the midst of the vast, featureless expanse of ebon murk. Girdedagainst light, their appearances were composed of uncountable small flames thatnever ceased to burn with a dynamic intensity. The Proud Sigils that they oftendisplayed to herald themselves elsewhere in the nether regions had no place atthis momentous instance, and they were universally absent among the mightythrong.The darkness in this initial passage was initially offputting, but once I picked up the book and continued reading I was lost in thisworld. Time raced by like the wolfcreatures depicted later.Thanks to a virtual reality device, Benedict’s world and thesupernatural are about to collide. What is going to happen? We have to ask the writer because this isjust Book One.One of my favorite things in this epic novel is how theauthor mixes social and political commentary with his supernatural world. Benedict lives in a world where “big brother”is on every corner. He brings a bit ofreality to this wonderfully fantastic story. He gave a momentary glance up atthe camera eye that peered impassively down at him from the top of a nearbystreet-light. Like the othersubiquitously placed around the city, it was networked with the increasinglyinvasive Citizen Safety Department. Mostpeople have come to ignore them to the degree that they deftly sank into thefabric of normal life. Benedict neverceased to consciously take note of the monitoring implements. Snickering, he found himself wishing that thewind would blow the intrusive surveillance device right off the light and dashit to the asphalt.The author has a very distinct, strong voice. His characters resonate with individualpersonality and emotion. I feel thepassion he has put into every single word. Stephen Zimmer takes world building andcharacter development seriously. If youlove unique worlds, fascinating creatures and characters, and if you arepassionate for epic fantasy novels, you are sure to fall in love with theworlds in The Exodus Gate.One final thought: I can not forget the artist who createdthe unique fantasy illustrations and the cover as well, Mathew Perry. They arefitting for the voice of Stephen Zimmer. Kudos to Mr. Perry . Without further ado… TheExodus Gate receives 5 of 5 stars for this Fantastic bookAnother 5 of 5 stars goes to the Artist Matthew Perry forhis Illustrations.
Author Bio: Born in Denver, Colorado, Stephen Zimmer is an award-winning fantasy author and filmmaker based out of Lexington, Kentucky. Stephen has two series being published through Seventh Star Press.
One is the epic fantasy Fires in Eden Series (which includes Crown of Vengeance, the winner of a 2010 Pluto Award for Best Novel). The series stands at two titles with the third being released in late spring 2012.
The other is an epic-scale urban fantasy series, The Rising Dawn Saga. This series stands at three titles, with the fourth scheduled for release in winter of 2012/2013. The Seventh Throne, Book Three, won first place for Top Cover Art of 2011 and tied for third in Top Novel in the 2011 Tor.com Readers Choice Awards.
Both series are now affiliated with two growing collections of eBook short stories. The Chronicles of Ave short stories are set in the world revealed in the Fires in Eden Series, while the Annals of the Rising Dawn short stories are set in the world of the Rising Dawn Saga.
His other published short fiction includes the short stories “In the Mountain Skies” and “An Island Sojourn” in the Dreams of Steam I and II steampunk anthologies (edited by Kimberly Richardson), from Kerlak Publishing. "An Island Sojourn" placed 4th in the 2011 Tor.com Readers Choice Awards.
As a filmmaker, Stephen has credits in fantasy and horror, including the supernatural thriller Shadows Light (feature), The Sirens (horror short film), and Swordbearer (fantasy short film featuring a special appearance by former WWE wrestler Al Snow, and based upon the H. David Blalock novel Ascendant.)
Updates and information about Stephen can always be obtained at the following:
Website: http://www.stephenzimmer.com/
Blog: stephenzimmer.blogspot.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/sgzimmer
Twitter: www.twitter.com/sgzimmerHome Page www.stephenzimmer.comThis is the official site of author and filmmaker Stephen Zimmer.