A Reflection of Myself

By Chineze @uhmayzinginez
“Suddenly, everything was beautiful. The way she viewed the world was nothing more but a reflection of herself.” 
― Robert. M. DrakeWe each view things from a reflection of our thoughts. When our thoughts about ourself are critical, we tend to view the things outside of us critically. When our thoughts are full of altruistic love, we view the world with  altruism. If our thoughts are full of envy, we'll view the world as green, ready to be exploited, used and abused.
Green is the color I most love on this full skirt which I DIYed. I paired it with this grid print shirt which is a recent purchase and I'm loving that I have a new pattern aside stripes to play print mixing with. 
Pardon the poor photos.  

Laura shoes / self-made skirt / unknown brand shirt