A Random Thing Or Two-sday

Posted on the 13 February 2014 by Alongabbeyroad @alongabbeyroad

Coat: similar
Sweater: LOFT
Pants: similar
Shoes: similar
1) These hairs got a nice whackin' put to them and I looooove the freedom and simplicity. My first thoughts about this cut were "I feel so French!" and "Kelly Ripa!" These thoughts were further validated when I saw the the gal from France's figure skating pairs team sporting the same do. Also, Taylor Swift's haircut now matches mine, and you can never go wrong being hair twinsies with ole' Tay Tay. This haircut of mine is old news if you follow me on Instagram, but it wouldn't be right if I didn't give it an official nod on the blog. So there you have it. I highly recommend cutting your hair if you've been considering it, and this post is an excellent source of inspiration, if I do say so myself. On an unrelated note, it was blazingly bright outside when we took these photos, and I always feel like grinning Sailor Moon when I am trying to smile but have to squint.
2) Fact: Norway has won one Winter Olympics medal per every 16,556 residents (source). That's a combined total of 303 medals won (107 of those being golds), and a fun way of reminding us that Norway slaughters everyone during the Winter Olympics. That being said, go USA! ;)
3) If I don't use exclamation points to end at least half of my sentences in emails, I somehow feel like I am coming across as stern and grouchy. I really am an abuser of exclamation point usage ... !
4) I just came across this giveaway for a free lifestyle photo session of your little ones, and thought I'd share the love, because hey, who doesn't love a free photography session from someone who legitimately takes beautiful photos?
5) Would you rather be able to eat only See's chocolates or your favorite Valentine's sugar cookies for the duration of a month? I know, it's a tough one.