A Random Thing Or Two-sday

By Alongabbeyroad @alongabbeyroad

Forever 21 Twisted Band Wool Fedora Hat
Forever 21 Relaxed Chambray Blouse
H&M Giraffe Print Tank Top
Zara White Denim
Forever 21 Round Sunglasses
Forever 21 Black Ankle Booties
31 Bits Gold Bracelet c/o
1. Being a mom means jumping for joy when you find the perfect everyday button up to wear. And it means you probably shouldn't wear white pants if you like them to stay white. Just sayin'.
2. Fact: Bubble wrap was originally designed to be used as wallpaper (source). That is hilarious to me. It would actually make great wallpaper at our house since we have a certain one-year-old who crashes head first into the walls at least three times per day.
3. I guess the emoji powers that be WERE listening to me when I requested new ones last week (see #3)! (Insert winky face and smug face emoji.) How are we feeling about the update? Love seeing that they have all races in there for the people. Still no unicorn or bacon, but I guess Rome wasn't built in a day.
4. Speaking of bacon, we went to Sidecar Doughnuts in Costa Mesa today with our favorite lady crew and it was everything it was cracked up to be. Bacon maple! Strawberry buttermilk! Girl Scout cookie Samoas! And peanut butter chocolate banana! Oh, there were more, but I will save those for another time. All things in moderation, yes?
5. Would you rather watch a movie with a picture but no sound, or a movie with sound but no picture?