By Dyarnell @dyarnell
Forecasted rain continuing for the next few days is a great time to get some things in the ground to lessen the burden of watering after transplanting. Granted that means gardening in the rain, but no matter how sweet we may appear, we are not made of sugar so we will be fine.Will neighbour's think we are crazy? We have already established what they think.
Yesterday we started our current 'really big project' - making our cedar hedge.  
We are transplanting the small cedars spread across the sidelines of our property for a number reasons:1) the currently are in the middle of the Moon Garden (above) rather than at the back where their height dictates, so we need to move them in any case in order to reclaim that whole garden2) to enclose the backyard and separate it from the driveway (below) 2) the cedars get lost strung out across great distance and my favorite design theory to apply when taking on a new garden is Proximity - they will have much greater impact grouped together  It is wet, messy, rewarding work but with my husband willing to help it goes much faster.Wish us luck!
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