A Quick Note Before I Leave You For Vacation

By Bridgetteraes @BridgetteRaes

With just a week left to the summer season, I am going to excuse myself for a bit and take a few days off. I will be back after Labor Day.

But a few things before I go.

I will be a critic

I was really excited and honored to be asked to be a critic to fourth semester fashion design students at my alma mater, The Fashion Institute of Technology. What this means is I will be offering my guidance and expertise to a class of students who will be working on their final project term garments for the semester which will be on display and judged at the end of the semester. When I was asked, I felt like I was way too young to be doing this. After all, it feels like yesterday that I was pulling all-nighters slaving away at my own final projects. Then I realized this was 22 years ago. Jeesh!

I am not sure how public I can be about the role I will be taking on, but I will be sure to share what I can here int he upcoming months. Either way, I am really excited.

I am in August's Real Simple Magazine

This is going to make me sound like a real jaded jerk, but I often forget about it when I contribute my expertise to Magazines. These publications work so far in advance and I lose track of time. It wasn't until a client and friend sent me this photo that I knew the article came out. You can check out my expertise in August's Real Simple magazine.

That's all for now, my friends! Have a fantastic Labor Day weekend (or regular weekend if you are outside the U.S.) and I will chat with you soon.