A Quick Congratulations to the Brits

Posted on the 25 June 2016 by Mikelumish @IsraelThrives
Michael L.
I am not generally a big fan of Britain, given its history with the Jewish people, but I am very pleased to see them vote against continued participation in the European Union.
In my view, as in the view of many millions of people throughout the West, the EU is non-democratic.

Who makes the laws that we have to live by, and how accountable are they directly to us? That's all that matters in this referendum, because everything else flows from that. If you can't remove the people who govern you, you live in a dictatorship, however many fancy labels and buttons and bows they dress it all up in. - Pat Condell.
It seems pretty obvious, particularly given how close the vote was, that were it not for the EU's open-door policy on Arab-Muslim immigration the vote would have gone the other way.
The EU is asking the European nations to surrender their distinctiveness as nations. Unfortunately for the EU, very many Europeans prefer not only to maintain their culture, traditions, and values, but believe that there should be a single set of laws for every citizen of their country.
They would also very much prefer not to read about Muslim rape gangs going after their pre-pubescent daughters.
And also, of course, as Condell notes above, the EU is democracy decaf.
It is a means by which sovereignty is bled from the nations, and their peoples, in favor of a multi-national body that will make binding decisions for their countries. It is a way of concentrating power in direct opposition to the will of regular people because the big decisions - such as immigration policies and economic policies - are no longer in the hands of their directly elected representatives.
This is non-democratic and should be opposed.
Condell refers to the idealists that think that the European Union is supposed to be something like the United States of Europe, but as he notes that the EU "has no Constitution that guarantees fundamental liberties and government by consent."
The international market has taken a hit from the Brexit vote, but that is not surprising. Just how much of a hit we will see in the coming weeks and months.
Some have argued that Britain leaving the EU is bad for Israel because it means losing a powerful friend to Israel within the EU. I very much hope that I can be excused for an eye-roll. Whatever else Britain is, it is no friend to either the State of Israel or the Jewish people.
Finally, the supreme hypocrisy of the Obama administration and friends needs to be noted.
Netanyahu, via Congressional invitation, was asked to address the US Congress on the question of Obama's Iran "deal" - actually a treaty in need of Congressional approval - and was thoroughly castigated as a malicious interloper by the Democratic Party and the progressive-left.
And, yet, Obama felt free to travel to Britain in order to lecture the Brits about what is in their own best interest despite the fact that, unlike Netanyahu's concerns, it has nothing to do with an existential threat to the United States.
And, remember, this is the guy that upon coming into office insulted that country by returning a gift, a bust of Winston Churchill, which he did not want standing anyplace within the White House.