The person who goes under the moniker "General Choomin" was booted off Daily Kos apparently for racism toward Jews. Although I was a Daily Kos regular for a number of years, I do not actually recall him. I know that he has a reputation for harassing Jewish people and supporters of Israel and I know that he has come on to this site for the purpose of doing so, but I have nonetheless decided to give this gentleman a second chance.
A fresh start, as it were.
But if General Choomin - who is apparently an anti-Semitic anti-Zionist - wants to participate here, then he needs to answer the following question:
Given the fact that Jewish people are among the most persecuted people within recorded history - and given the fact that Jews suffered under the boot of Arab-Muslim imperialism as slaves and dhimmis for thirteen centuries - do you believe that we should be allowed a state on our historical homeland?Anyone who knows this blog with any degree of actual familiarity knows that my father's side of the family was slaughtered by the Nazis in the Ukraine during Operation Barbarossa during World War II. They were not soldiers. They were merchants and farmers and they were lined up and shot dead, along with about 3,000 other Jews in the town of Medzhybizh for no other reason than that they happened to be Jewish.
So I want General Choomin to answer the question above.
My immediate family was saved because my grandfather had the foresight to seek residency in the United States during the early 1920s, but it is only Israel that is devoted to securing the freedom and security and developing culture of the Jewish people.
I therefore invite General Choomin for a chat.
My only requirement is that he be respectful and not indulge in anti-Zionist hate speech.