Abel Dean’s Alt Left group on Facebook is absolutely swarming with Trump supporters. They did a recent poll on Trump, and I was the only person in the group opposed to him. Trump is a either a conservative, a reactionary, a rightwing extremist or a rightwing populist, however you look at him. Rightwing populism is a stepping stone to fascism. You keep going rightwing from rightwing populism and you get fascism.
See that “left” in the Alt Left? It’s not there for show. We really and truly are liberals, Leftists, socialists, Keynesians, and social democrats, and we are even open to any anarchists or Communists who wish to join us. One thing we are not and will never be is conservatives.
Why in the Hell is Abel Dean’s “Alt Left” group swarming with Trump supporters? Trump is an ultra-rightwing reactionary, a rightwing populist. Rightwing populism is one step away from fascism.
One of the defining characteristics of the early Alt Left was hostility to conservatism. We are not conservatives! This was always a part of my worldview, but it took the important Alt Left thinker Ryan England to figure it out. In fact, he posited Anti-Conservatism as one of the three principal defining tenets of the Alt Left.
The ideal Alt Left person is someone who would never vote conservative or Republican even if you put a gun to their head. I am absolutely flabbergasted by all these “Left” people who think there is anything left whatsoever about this radical rightwing psycho Trump. Alt Lefties are dissident liberals and Leftists.
In the US, we came out the Democratic Party, Green Party or even further left than that. I still vote Democrat and I read Daily Kos on a regular basis. Why? Because those are my people.
Sure, they’ve gone astray somewhat, but SJWism is actually not a large part of what they write about on there. I do not think SJWism is a big movement in the Democratic Party. In parties and groups further left, of course it is. My observation is that it is Western Leftists like the Greens along with Communists and anarchists who are the wildest SJW’s of them all. In fact, PC and SJWism was birthed in US universities principally by leftwing professors, quite a few of whom had at least something of Marxist background. This movement came out of the Far Left in US universities. And any new SJW ideas or concepts seem to be coming out of the Campus Left to this very day. US universities are SJW Ground Zero.
Sure the Alt Left is not happy with the Cultural Left, but that’s not the whole Left. Our principal enemies are the conservatives, especially the Republican Party. Why all these conservatives regard themselves as Alt “Left” or left anything on Earth, I will never understand.
Now granted, this is just my view of the Alt Left, and other wings may beg to differ. In particular, the Right Wing of the Alt Left has gone all in for Trump, and that is one reason why I am dissociating myself with them. I will formally and officially renounce them in an upcoming post. They are not part of my version of the Alt Left. They can come back in the Alt Left when they decide to quit supporting Trump and Republicans, which is probably never. And if it’s never, they are gone from my Alt Left forever.