A Preview of Tokyo’s SkyTree

By Jugglingtam

Almost two months ago, the long anticipated Tokyo SkyTree opened up to much fanfare. Deemed as the world’s highest free-standing broadcast tower at 634 meters high, I had little to no interest in visiting the random scrap of metal strategically placed in one of Tokyo’s most beloved and cultural neighborhoods. My gaijin friends expressed ready disapproval. My innards reeled at the notion of the crowds and the tacky souvenirs. My artistic sense of awesomeness sneered when comparing it to other Jetsons-inspired Asian delights, notably The Oriental Pearl Tower in Shanghai or Taipei 101.

However, for the last few months, I have found myself within walking distance of its glow. In it’s own obstructive way, it’s rather beautiful. On a cloudy day. At sunset. At night with its neon strobe lights. I have found myself drawn to it. So it was that a companion and I decided to mosey on over to its perpetual metropolis. Even on a Sunday night, the SkyTree and its surrounding megamall (Solamachi), was pulsing with tourists. The kinds of tourists that create fire hazards by blocking exits of stores… in order to take a picture of the tower. Nevertheless, the energy in the air was uplifting. Literally. Although regular tickets don’t go on sale until, well, tomorrow, it didn’t stop the throng from gazing skyward and dreaming of the day when they can spend the 2,000 yen to be beamed up.

Come September I suppose, I’ll have my golden ticket as well. Though, to be perfectly honest, I have my sights on, you guessed it, the food. I like the idea of dining in that big hunk of love in some elegant fashion, at some ridiculous altitude, in an earthquake-prone country. I also like the idea of dining at a cafe in Solamachi aptly named “100% Chocolate Cafe.” Ding ding ding