A Prayer to Our Guardian Angel

By Eowyn @DrEowyn

Angel of God, my guardian dear,

to whom His Love commits me here,

ever this day be at my side,

to light and guard,

to rule and guide. Amen.

-by St. Bonaventure (1221-1274)

It is said in Psalm 91:10-12:

No evil shall befall you,
nor shall affliction come near your tent.
For to his angels he has commanded about you,
that they guard you in all your ways.
With their hands they shall support you,
lest you strike your foot against a stone.

According to the great medieval theologian St. Thomas Aquinas (1225-1274), a guardian angel is appointed to each human being from the moment of birth by God’s loving providence because “the dignity of human souls is great.”

Throughout the lives of “changeable and fallible” human beings, their guardian angels assist them toward goodness. Although the guardians never fail or forsake their human charges, they eschew interfering with divine providence or with our free will—to commit sin if we so choose, to endure trials and troubles, and to suffer punishment.

At the end of a human being’s earthly life, the guardian angel of the virtuous person will be replaced with an angelic companion because the guardian’s mission will have been successfully discharged. The wicked in Hell, however, “will have a fallen angel to punish him” for eternity. [Source: Msgr. Paul J. Glenn, A Tour of the Summa (Rockford, Illinois: Tan Books, 1978), p. 93.]

Talk to your guardian angel!

He loves you, very much, with a love so profound to which no human love can compare.

Tell him your worries and your troubles.

Ask him for guidance, inspiration, and help.

And never forget to tell him you love him, with all your heart.
